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Connext in India

Empowering your business with seamless global talent integration

Why Indian Talent

Colombia offers a unique combination of benefits that make it an ideal destination for businesses looking to optimize operations, reduce costs, and leverage a nearshore, bilingual opportunity for growth.

Vast Talent Pool and Competitive Advantages

With a population of nearly 1.5 billion people, there are millions of college graduates annually.

Additionally, India specializes in domains like IT, healthcare outsourcing, and  financial services, making it a go-to destination for high-quality, niche services.

Proven Track Record

Cololmbia has invested in modern communications and technology structures, aiding in smooth business operations. Larger cities such as Bogota, where our office is located, have strong internet and power connections for work from home or in-office set ups.

Our office comes equipped with biometric security and redundant fiber internet and power connections.


One of the primary benefits of outsourcing to India is the substantial cost savings. The lower cost of living translates to more affordable labor costs compared to Western nations, enabling businesses to optimize their budgets.

The best part is that when you recruit with a partner like Connext, you aren’t compromising quality of service!

Round-the-Clock Operations

India’s strategic time zone, 9.5 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time (EST) in the United States, facilitates continuous productivity. Indian teams can progress on projects while their Western counterparts rest, ensuring round-the-clock operations and expedited turnaround times.

Financial Services
Customer Service
Back Office
IT and Development

Roles we fill

Dedicated offshore and nearshore support teams for every department in your company. Operate more efficiently and save 50% or more on local labor costs.

Why Connext?

Dedicated offshore and nearshore support teams, hired based on your specific requirements. Start with as little as 2 full time employees and grow as you need.

Client retention in 
10 years of operation
Average number of days 
to fill client positions
Average cost savings compared to local wages

The Connext Difference

Hire the best
Easily Scalable
We use AI and industry knowledge to find candidates fast, building your team in just 21 days on average.
Global Reach
Multi-Country Operations

With entities worldwide, we access the top 1% of talent and guide you to the best location or build multi-site teams.

Seamless Operations

We have over ten years of successful operations and industry experts on our team to ensure your success.

Take Ownership
Data Security

Connext provides employee equipment, secure global facilities, and never stores your data offshore.

Certified Excellence Across the Globe

See why we are trusted by over 200 companies

Ready to super-charge your business?

Let’s get started today.