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Maximizing Efficiency and Quality: Driving Success with Impact Sourcing  

Are you looking for ways to grow your business while making a positive social impact? If so, you might want to consider impact sourcing. Impact sourcing is the practice of hiring and training people from disadvantaged or marginalized communities, such as low-income, rural, or conflict-affected areas, to provide high-quality services to global clients. Impact sourcing can help you reduce costs, improve quality, and increase diversity in your workforce.

Maximizing Efficiency and Quality Driving Success with Impact Sourcing a-group-of-people-having-a-meeting-in-the-office-1@1x_1

In this blog post, we will share with you some of the compelling roles that you can delegate when impact sourcing, and how they can benefit your business and your impact workers.

As mentioned, impact sourcing is a term that refers to the practice of hiring and training people from disadvantaged or marginalized communities. But how do you manage an impact sourcing project effectively? One of the key steps is to delegate some of the roles and responsibilities to your impact workers or their local partners. This can help you save time, money, and resources, while making your impact workers to develop their skills and confidence.

Impact Sourcing Functions

The impact workers are expected to provide digital services such as:

1. Quality Assurance: Quality assurance (QA) is the process of checking and verifying that the services or products delivered by your impact workers meet the standards and expectations of your clients. QA is essential for ensuring customer satisfaction and loyalty, as well as for maintaining your reputation and credibility. However, QA can also be time-consuming and costly, especially if you have to do it remotely or across different time zones. That’s why delegating QA to your impact workers or their local partners can be a smart move. They are able to apply Quality Assurance (QA) methodologies and provide process and test documentation such as test cases, and checklists. They can perform QA tasks such as testing, reviewing, auditing, or validating the work done by their peers or themselves, using the tools and guidelines that you provide. This way, you can reduce errors or delays, while increasing the quality and consistency of your project.

2. Project Management: Project management (PM) is the process of managing projects from start to finish. PM is crucial for ensuring that your impact sourcing project meets its objectives, scope, budget, and timeline, deliverables and identify project risks and develop mitigation strategies. However, PM can also be challenging and complex, especially if you project manage across different locations and cultures. That’s why delegating PM to your impact workers or their local partners can be a wise decision. Project Managers have the ability to work in a fast-paced environment and manage multiple projects simultaneously. This way, you can save time and effort, while improving the efficiency and effectiveness of your project.

3. Training: Training is the process of providing guidance, support, and feedback to your impact workers to help them improve their skills, and abilities. However, training can also be resource-intensive and difficult, especially if you have to do it online or across different languages and cultures. That’s why delegating training and mentoring to your impact workers or their local partners can be a beneficial option. They can conduct training and mentoring activities such as designing materials, delivering sessions and workshops, and coaching staff.

Other services that can be assigned are:

Data Entry: Data Entry Specialists help improve business operations by assigning data filing and performing other routine clerical tasks. Generally, Data Entry Specialists file accurate and updated data that are easy to access in a database, meeting large volumes of data entry in a timely and systematic manner.

Transcription: Transcriptionists provide documentation support by transcribing documents and reports, notes, patient data. They provide effective and accurate record transcription, verify data entered is accurate and complete. They can also review notes for completion and fax completed these completed notes.

Content moderation: Content Moderators set up community guidelines and are responsible in the management of engagements and discussions and makes sure that all engagements meet community rules and guidelines. They make sure that all community guidelines are easy to follow and understand, and track community discussions.

Customer support: Customer support specialists tasks range from: managing amounts of incoming phone calls, lead generation, maintaining customer satisfaction, reports generation, handling issues and provide resolutions, maintain a customer interaction and records database and other assigned and related roles.

Impact sourcing is not only a way of creating social and economic opportunities for people who face barriers to employment, but also a way of delivering high-quality, cost-effective and reliable services to clients.

Impact sourcing has many benefits for both the workers and the clients. For the workers, impact sourcing can provide them with a stable income, a dignified work environment, a chance to develop new skills and a sense of empowerment. For the clients, impact sourcing can help them reduce their operational costs, improve their service quality, enhance their social responsibility and diversify their talent pool.

The purpose of Impact Sourcing

Impact sourcing is a business model that leverages the untapped potential of people who are often overlooked by traditional outsourcing providers. Impact sourcing is based on the premise that everyone deserves a fair chance to participate in the digital economy and contribute to the global society.

Impact sourcing is a growing and sustainable industry and is a way of creating positive social impact while achieving business objectives. Read more on impact sourcing in our previous article.


In conclusion, impact sourcing is a compelling approach for businesses to grow while making a positive social impact. By hiring and training individuals from disadvantaged or marginalized communities, businesses can benefit from reduced costs, improved quality, and increased diversity in their workforce. Delegating certain roles and responsibilities to impact workers or their local partners can further enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of impact sourcing projects.

Overall, impact sourcing not only creates social and economic opportunities for disadvantaged individuals but also delivers high-quality and cost-effective services to clients. It enables businesses to achieve their objectives while contributing to social responsibility, diversifying their talent pool, and fostering a sense of empowerment and dignity among impact workers.

The purpose of impact sourcing is to leverage the untapped potential of marginalized individuals in the digital economy and provide them with a fair chance to participate and contribute to the global society. It is a growing and sustainable industry that aligns business goals with social impact, making it a compelling choice for businesses looking to grow while making a positive difference. Connext Global Solutions helps companies build custom, dedicated support teams in the Philippines. Start at 1 employee and scale as you need. Learn more about Connext Global Solutions.

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