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What are Freelance Services?

Freelance Service websites like Upwork and Fivver are now incredibly common. They allow companies access to a global talent marketplace in searching for employees, be it part-time or full-time, that can fulfill their needs. Freelance Service websites are great for small businesses with a small or niche need but start to become challenging at scale.

Services covered:

  • Talent Marketplace


  • Access to Global Freelance Service Talent
  • Easy and cost effective at small scale
  • Ability to start at small scale


  • Lack of visibility and control
    • How do you know if the person you hired is working or performing? Are they helping multiple clients with different accounts?
  • Compliance
    • No one is ensuring that your employee is keeping up with local tax laws or compliance.
  • IT Support
    • If black outs or outages occur, no support is provided to get your employee back online.
  • High Management Cost
    • How much is your time worth? $100/hr? $1000/hr? Ultimately, you are wholly responsible for the management of the employee, thus you own the management cost.
  • Turnover risk
    • In this model, it is difficult to retain employees. In a freelance marketplace, employees can bounce around to different clients and jobs whenever they see fit.

Read more on why a Remote Virtual Assistant or Freelance Service business model can work for you in our previously published article.

Connext Global Solutions helps companies build custom, dedicated support teams in the Philippines. Learn more about Connext Global Solutions.

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