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Manage Your Team

Management Structure

Management Structure

In our model, client team members will have one or multiple client-dedicated team leader(s) that helps the client manage the day-to-day activities of the team.

A service delivery manager will oversee the entirety of the team and serves as an interface for the client to bring up and address any issues or concerns with the team. The service delivery manager interacts with the executive team on any action items brought up by the client. The service delivery manager manages between 30-40 employees and is readily available for assistance.

Management Metrics

Connext uses three main metrics to track employee performance. We can tailor the client experience to include other metrics if needed but the following are standard in our services. We help manage your team as if it was your own and make sure the performance matches or exceeds that of your local teams.

All performance metrics will be tracked and reported to the client by the Service Delivery Manager. The client determines the frequency of reporting. We also recommend ongoing monthly meetings with Connext’sservice delivery manager and executives.



• Number of Claims Processed Per Week
• MaryJo processed 150 claims this week
• Measured based on desired output by client


• Percentage of weekly work conducted by task
• MaryJo Utilization: 92% Claims Processing, 7% Administrative Tasks, 1% No task to perform
• Measured on a weekly basis, based on 40-hour work week


• Measure of errors made versus number of tasks completed
• MaryJo processed 150 claims this week and made 1 error (1/150 = 0.007) therefore her quality percentage is 99.3%
Management Lab
Service Delivery Manager Handbook
Management Lab
Service Delivery Manager Handbook

Manager Tools

Part of our excellent service delivery is the development and refinement of tools that helps our managers thrive. One of those tools is the Connext Service Delivery Manager Handbook. The Connext Service Delivery Manager Handbook is based, in principle and simplicity, on the US Army Ranger Handbook and is designed so that our managers can easily handle all client issues. The handbook covers items such as onboarding a new client, onboarding a new employee, employee retention, employee performance, and IT issues. The handbook is a living document and gets better over time as we encounter new issues and solutions. Each manager has access to the handbook and can refer to it at any time. This tool is only a small part of the time and training that goes into each of our service delivery managers.

At Connext we believe in our people and our leaders. Part of our service is giving our clients access to the best trained and most experienced service delivery managers in the entire business process outsourcing industry. Connext is building industry best client experience through its commitment to management philosophy and leadership development at all levels.



Productivity is the most important measure for any employee. It tells us what someone accomplished over a certain amount of time. For example,100 accounts billed per day or 10 calls answered per hour. Productivity, which can be measured in a variety of ways, gives management the ability to understand what is being produced, set goals, make plans, and take action to exploit opportunities.

View Sample Report


Utilization is a simple metric that shows your employee spend their time. It is generally expressed as a percentage,e.g.98%utilized. It tells management how much employees are working and allows for adjustment to ensure that the right employees are working the right number of hours and on the right tasks. produced, set goals, make plans, and take action to exploit opportunities.

View Sample Report


Quality self-explanatory but requires some thought to use as a management tool. High productivity is of no value without acceptable quality, which is generally expressed as a percentage. For example,99.5% of orders were entered correctly. However, quality generally drives cost, so it is important that quality targets are realistic and consistent with the company’s strategy. exploit opportunities.

View Sample Report

The visibility and control in the virtual captive model creates the confidence to transfer tasks to the remote team.

View Sample Workflow
  • Visibility into individual employee performance allows for rapid problem solving, focused feedback, and the replacement of non-performing team members.
  • Control of training ensures that client-specific processes are engrained into remote team members.
  • All work happens in client systems with client-controlled access for information security.
  • Closely aligned client and Connext management enable high-performing teams.
Recruitment Process Recruitment Process

Recruitment Process

All Total % Fall Out %
Applicants 4916
Initial Interview 1509 30.70% 69.30%
Assessments 444 9.03% 70.58%
Ops Interview 310 6.31% 30.18%
Client Interview 107 2.18% 65.48%
Passed Client Interview 66 1.34% 38.32%
Our Recruitment Training
Recruitment Process Recruitment Process


Employee Testimonials

“We know COVID-19 has impacted a huge number of business across the country. It's been a challenging time for the company trying to manage the health and safety of their employees while ensuring business continuity. Connext Global Solutions has been doing the best they can do by transitioning work from home arrangement in 48 hours at the start of ECQ. To add, they also executed home activities such as zumba, e-games and other stuff to prevent boredom and increase employee engagement. They provide relief goods to employees whose clients pulled out because of the pandemic. Over all Connext Global Solutions has been with us in times of crisis.”

Rodelio MendozaMakai HR

“I am really thankful to my Connext Family, in this time of Pandemic they were able to handle the transition from working to office to working at home in the fastest and most convenient way for us. In just a span of 48 hours, they were able to delivery all the components that we need house to house so that we can resume our operation. Also, one of the reason why I am very thankful to this company, they were fast enough to find another account for me when my client pulled out due to this pandemic. My job is very important to me in this trying times, because I was able to support my family even though there is a pandemic and that is because of how efficient Connext handled the situation. Because of how they handled this situation we (employees) are still able to go to work and have our pay checks to support our family.”

Abigail LintagMakai HR

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