• Prepare and set up forms and note templates in the preliminary database for conversion offices and in the live database for non-conversion offices.
• Complete data entry for the final conversion by utilizing data entry point sheets and reviewing the preliminary database for administration setup.
• Use a check sheet to identify data entry areas for each office. Upload completed check sheets to the office implementation project in Jira.
• Verify that all data entry points coming through the conversion are accurately set up, making necessary adjustments as needed.
• Ensure that form and note templates are moved properly from the preliminary database to the final database for conversion offices.
• Meet expected productivity levels of 10-12 hours per database.
Preliminary Setup: 6 hours
Final Setup: 4-6 hours
• Develop and maintain guides outlining job responsibilities and data entry procedures.
• Regularly update guides to incorporate new technology and/or policies.
• Create new training guides and documents when necessary to ensure team proficiency and up-to-date knowledge.
• Develop an in-depth understanding of the product and related software to ensure quick and accurate data entry.
• Stay informed about new software releases and technologies related to data entry and conversion.
• Attend team meetings and actively participate by bringing any concerns or limitations to the team for discussion.
• Collaborate with colleagues to resolve issues and ensure smooth operations throughout the conversion process.
• Consistently meet company standards related to the quantity and quality of work performed.
• Perform all tasks in compliance with company policies, procedures, and standards of workplace behavior.
Qualifications and Requirements
• Strong working knowledge of Windows (XP or higher) and Mac OS (10.4 or higher).
• Working knowledge of Internet technologies and online tools.
• Basic knowledge of computer hardware, database structure, and network troubleshooting.
• Strong multitasking ability to handle multiple tasks effectively while completing data entry and project work.
• Ability to work under tight deadlines and meet productivity targets.
• Attention to detail to ensure accurate data entry and conversion.