Outsource Logistics Support Specialists

Logistics support is a function within an organization that involves managing and coordinating the movement of goods, services, and information. The job description for a logistics support specialist typically includes:
Logistics support specialists are responsible for planning and coordinating the movement of goods, services, and information from one location to another. They develop strategies to optimize the movement of goods, including selecting transportation modes and routes.
Logistics support specialists are responsible for managing inventory levels to ensure that the organization has the right amount of products and supplies to meet demand. They may also be responsible for tracking inventory levels, ordering new supplies, and managing vendor relationships.
Logistics support specialists must track the movement of goods and ensure that shipments are delivered on time and in good condition. They may also be responsible for resolving any issues related to damaged or lost shipments.
Logistics support specialists must provide excellent customer service to clients and internal stakeholders. This may include answering questions about shipments, providing updates on delivery status, and resolving any issues that arise.
Logistics support specialists must maintain accurate records and data related to logistics activities. This may include tracking inventory levels, shipment information, and transportation costs.
Logistics support specialists must stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in logistics and supply chain management.
Overall, logistics support is a critical function within an organization that requires excellent organizational and communication skills, as well as knowledge of logistics and supply chain management. Logistics support specialists must be able to work collaboratively with internal and external stakeholders to ensure that logistics activities are managed efficiently and effectively.