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The article aims to discuss how Connext Global Solutions can help solve outsourcing mistakes.

Like so many things, everyone understands the importance of good processes and process clarity. Again, like so many other things, it is much easier said than done.  At small-scale, team members typically have multiple tasks and the assignment of tasks varies with volume of work and availability of team members.  At larger scale, the teams become unwieldy and there is a larger group of inputs and outputs, both of which are compounded by volume.

The good news is that shifting work to a remote team forces process clarity and almost always, process improvement.  Businesses should not wait until all processes are documented to begin developing a remote team.  Complete documentation of processes is something that is all too easy to put off and creates an unreasonable burden to getting started.  More good news, the answer is quite simple.  Clients can simply start with one or two team members who document processes as they learn.  This is so simple that it is almost too good to be true but consider the benefits:

  • The person doing the training simply needs to explain the task via a screen share application just like they would in a local office.
  • The person receiving the training has an additional incentive to be attentive because they know they are documenting processes and writing a manual.
  • The process of documenting reinforces the learning.
  • The process diagrams and manual allow the trainer to verify the person been trained has successfully learned the tasks.
  • The client now has documented processes and manuals which can be used in both the local and remote locations.

Even with a relatively simple solution, companies are frequently too busy or too distracted to work on documenting and clarifying business processes. However, for those looking to improve their operations, taking the time to clarify business processes is the beginning of a positive spiral yielding benefits outweighing the initial effort.

Connext Global Solutions helps companies build custom, dedicated support teams in the Philippines. Learn more about Connext.

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