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1. Identify if outsourcing is a fit for your organization

Outsourcing is an excellent way for organizations to rapidly fill open positions, reduce cost structure, accelerate the path to digital transformation, improve processes and more. However, it is not right for every organization. Step 1 is identifying if it is a good fit for your needs as a business. Also, there needs to be proper amount of buy in for it to be successful.


2. Decide which type of outsourcing model is best for you

There are many ways to outsource. The two most common are traditional outsourcing and remote staffing. Traditional over the fence outsourcing where a company provides outsourcing as a service such as transaction processing, or customer service. Remote staffing is where you work through an outsourcing vendor to build a custom, 100% dedicated team that works in your tools and processes much like local employees. Both are effective but mostly depend on the amount of visibility and control you want over your outsourced processes


3. Determine the scale and types of processes or tasks that you want to outsource

Traditionally a lot of companies have outsourced things like customer service, development, and IT support, but with a rise in proficiency across different industries in the global talent pool we have seen new applications like accounting, healthcare support, nursing, transaction processing, engineering, underwriting, and more. Determine which areas where you can improve by increasing productivity and efficiency with an outsourced team.


4. Research respected vendors based on the scope of your needs

As in any B2B service, there are many different outsourcing providers in the marketplace. The key is finding a vendor that bests aligns with your goals as an organization. For more information on choosing a vendor, please check out this White Paper on ‘The Top 5 Mistakes Companies Make when Choosing an Outsourcing Vendor’.


5. Set an initial consultation and start working with the vendor on how best your needs can be addressed

Making the final decision on what you should outsource and who you should outsource with is very much a consultative process. Your chosen vendor should work with you hand in hand on an outsourcing solution that will meet your needs and provide optimal results for your organization. If you are interested in outsourcing or want to learn more about what Connext, or other outsourcing vendors have to offer please feel free to book a discovery call with one of our consultants here!


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