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The article talks about customer experience through live chat in the Cryptocurrency and NFT Market.

The overall market capitalization of cryptocurrency as of 2021 topped $3 trillion. (Bloomberg)

According to the market research website, approximately 15,000 different cryptocurrencies are traded publicly.

The bitcoin market is lucrative to investors and traders today because of the potential value it poses in the future. Bitcoin is a type of cryptocurrency, the encrypted version of digital currency, which operates on blockchain technology, which, as opposed to financial institutions, are decentralized in nature when it comes to processing and recording systems, allowing anyone to send and receive payments. All confirmed cryptocurrency transactions completed by individuals are recorded in a transparent, public ledger.

Most transactions involving cryptocurrencies are done via a digital currency exchange – these are done online via web browser or a web application and require that users make buys and sells either using a fiat currency or a different cryptocurrency. (Investopedia)

Verified and authenticated in blockchain technology are Non-fungible tokens or NFTs which differ from cryptocurrency in that these represent digital assets that are unique and, as the name implies, are non-fungible and cannot be replicated or traded with one another.

The cryptocurrency market landscape is ever-fluctuating and fast-paced. Customers need to be assured that customer service support is readily available to respond to their specific queries and resolve them quickly, be it concerns regarding identity verification, buying, selling or converting crypto, sending or receiving cryptocurrency, account compromised, avoiding phishing and scams, disputes and refunds, or troubleshooting.

According to PwC, nearly 80% of American consumers point to speed, convenience, knowledgeable help and friendly service as the most important elements of a positive customer experience. (PwC)

With the complex transactions involving cryptocurrency and NFTs, a solid customer experience and customer service is imperative for brands that want to build credibility and its customer base in the cryptocurrency market.

To establish a structured workflow for live chat queries, it is important to understand the common problems encountered in cryptocurrency exchange transactions. The most common problems encountered in cryptocurrency exchange are system or technical errors during cryptocurrency exchange, incorrect transaction details entered or incorrect login credentials to the digital wallet.

A 24/7 Customer Service Support should be available to cryptocurrency traders. Intelligent automation technologies such as artificial intelligence in the form of chatbots, if available, can also be integrated in the chat function support customer service staff in their cryptocurrency transactions.

Supplemental services aside from the live chat function that can further personalize the customer experience are providing phone support and email support. A resource center, in-depth FAQs, request form or an insights database that is readily accessible in the brand website are also helpful to aid customers in their cryptocurrency transactions.

Brands should enhance the customer support experience of its users. Attention to detail, availability and proper technical knowledge base of the cryptocurrency market are key elements in providing personalized customer experience and service support.

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