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The article discusses the importance of business continuity and how BPOs can help.

With the prevalent business disruption in the labor market, businesses need proper planning to safeguard essential functions.

Business owners partner with Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) providers primarily to provide business solutions with a reduced cost structure, and in doing so allows clients to save more time and money for them to focus on internal employees and customers.

More importantly, BPOs can contribute to business continuity, also called resilience planning, by providing essential functions and excellent service to business operations despite disruptions in the business brought about by the changing market landscape.

With the global disruption brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, 95% of the Connext team of billing and payroll specialists, nurses, accountants, engineers, developers, graphic designers, HR specialists, IT specialists, title/escrow processors, property management specialists, customer and technical support personnel moved their workspace onsite to their homes – all without client service disruption.

Adopting a Digital First Approach

How do we adapt to the business disruptions? From paper intensive processes, business owners must look for new ways to apply digital technologies and adopt a Digital first mindset. Now that most of the work has transitioned from onsite to a remote setup, adopting a Digital first remote model allows for agile operations.

Cloud-based software makes it possible for companies to access, store and save data virtually and remotely.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Capabilities

The global robotic process automation market is forecast to grow to more than 13 billion U.S. dollars by 2030, an increase of more than 12 billion compared to 2020. 

Deloitte, a known consulting company, surveyed 600 leaders of parent and shared service center organizations across all industries across the globe for their 2021 Global Shared Services & Outsourcing Survey Report. Of those surveyed, the report indicated that these organizations are beginning to realize greater benefits from RPA implementation, with 20% realizing between 20% and 40% savings (up from 9% in 2019). 56% of these global business service organizations have implemented RPA and automation while 33% are planning to implement RPA and automation capabilities. 69% of these organizations view RPA and automation as the top key transformation enabler and is expected to be the key focus area in next one to three years.

The goal of new technologies such as of Robotic Process Automation is to improve cycle time and productivity of business operations. Automation tools allow productivity and thus increase output, enabling business continuity.

At Connext, we have a dedicated team of robotic process automation experts to automate key business processes and provide digital optimization to improve the productivity, cycle time, accuracy, and scalability and user experience.

Business Process Outsourcing Partner Add-Ons

Clients are entitled to value-added features out of a service partnership with a Business process outsourcing provider.

Connext ensures the client experience through making the most out of advantages of available technology. Below are some add-ons Connext offers to their partners:

24/7 IT Support
On-Site Physical Security Teams and Cameras
User Desktop Monitoring
Connext-to-Client window, a two-way configuration of digital cameras and closed-circuit television (CCTV) where Connext clients have access to real-time audio and visual connection with their offshore team members. This allows for more transparency and monitoring of the offshore team.

Connext provides world-class service to our clients standing by our 100% client satisfaction claim. This is backed up with over 350 quality, productivity, and utilization metrics per client, allowing for an improved client experience.

Outsourcing with Connext Global Solutions, aside from providing custom outsourcing solutions with a reduced cost structure, and allowing more time and money for you to focus on internal employees and customers, allows clients competitive advantage and access to more resources for the implementation of growth and transformational strategies. Focus on your business continuity and outsource with Connext today.

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