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Offshore Staff Augmentation:
The Co Sourcing Approach

In the Connext model, clients augment their local staff with hand selected offshore staff. Connext helps businesses build, train, and manage custom offshore support teams to improve productivity, streamline costs, and supercharge growth.

We help clients create the value of an offshore subsidiary at any scale

Trusted by 100+ businesses

Offshore Staff Augmentation Vs Traditional BPO

In this model, the company retains full control over the project, including setting the goals, priorities, and timeline, while the augmented staff or contractors are responsible for carrying out the tasks assigned to them. Staff augmentation allows companies to quickly scale up or down their workforce as needed, without incurring the costs and time associated with traditional hiring processes.

In the Connext model, we help clients augment their local staff with hand selected offshore staff. As opposed to the traditional outsourcing approach, the client has complete control over who joins the team, what tasks they perform, what hours they work, and how they are trained.


Offshore staff augmentation or Co-Sourcing enables offshore subsidiaries at any scale

The things we do incredibly well in the offshore staff augmentation space are recruiting, retention, and management. We pride ourselves on hiring top talent, retaining them, and adding value to our clients with a dedicated manager model.

We help clients with augmented staff to support functions such as:

  • Finance and accounting
  • Customer service
  • Healthcare
  • Sales and Marketing
  • IT and Development
  • Back Office

To see some of the roles we assist with, check out our Job Roles page.

To get started today please take our client assessment form and one of our experts will reach out to you shortly.

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